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NINA Activities

The NINA program stimulates a working environment in which safety responsibilities and potentially hazardous situations are both discussed openly and reported. We ensure that safety remains foremost in people’s minds through regular staff engagement activities and training at all levels. Our NINA activities include a wide range of trainings and workshops that are well adopted and widely used by our projects.

NINA activities around the world

Glenn Raes

What is the real added value of a NINA Workbox?

When CLV Spirit had to wait for the installation of a platform at the Hornsea2 project, Captain Glenn Raes and OCM Arjan Ottink proposed to use this idle time for safety sessions. SHE-Q Advisor Ricardo Guedes came up with the idea to facilitate NINA Workboxes for both marine and project crew.

Christian Rathkamp

Safety E-learning boring? You might be pleasantly surprised!

NINA is for everyone on our projects. To support that point of view the NINA E-learning is available for both employees and (sub)-contractors as well. Christian Rathkamp, DOCM at Boskalis Hirdes in Hamburg, recently finished it and shares his experiences. “I found it very good, because you did not have to worry about good or wrong answers. You could focus completely on the message.”

Chris Bos

“I am constantly looking around me at work. That is what I am trying to get across to the young guys.”

With his 40 years of service, Chris Bos can rightfully be called an old hand. Having started out as an apprentice diver, he has now been working as a Salvage Master for many years.

Robert En Rudy

"We make sure our employees are updated in decisions."

"If you do not share information, they do not feel part of the group/the collective. Their involvement has a positive effect on the whole project. As leaders we should be the initiators in this respect." 

NINA In Togo Benin

We do it together! Travailler ensemble!

If Project Manager Frans Thomassen was asked to put one motto on a sign, it would be: ‘We do it together’. At his current project, on the Togo-Benin border, this is called ‘travailler ensemble’. This shows in every detail: from the way the contract was set up to the communication lines with the local community. Report of a project with major challenges.

NINA Launch Horizon Geosciences

NINA Launch at Horizon Geosciences

Early February NINA was formally launched at Horizon in the UAE. During a two-day event, management and employees came together to share their views on safety and set common goals It was the next step in NINA's implementation process which started with an inventory regarding the current safety awareness within Horizon and was followed by a Senior Management training based on the analysis of the inventory. This careful approach revealed a lot of similarities between NINA and Horizon’s own values and everyday practices. NINA definitely got a soft landing within Horizon.